Due Date Calculator

A Due Date Calculator helps expectant parents estimate their baby's arrival date based on the last menstrual period or conception date. This tool provides a simple and reliable way to predict the estimated due date, aiding in pregnancy planning and medical checkups.

How a Due Date Calculator Works

The due date is typically calculated by adding 280 days (40 weeks) to the first day of the last menstrual period. For women who know their conception date, the due date is estimated by adding 266 days. This estimation serves as a guide for prenatal care planning.

Benefits of Using a Due Date Calculator

  • Accurate Estimation – Helps expectant parents predict the due date and prepare for delivery.
  • Prenatal Care Planning – Ensures timely medical checkups and monitoring of pregnancy milestones.
  • Better Preparation – Assists in making arrangements for maternity leave and baby essentials.
  • Health Monitoring – Helps in tracking pregnancy progress and scheduling necessary medical tests.